Jern's January 2020 Book Club Review

By Lifeofpjern - February 10, 2020

For the month of January we read the books:

Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff
by Chip Gaines

by Charles M. Sheldon

Before I do a quick review on both books, here's proof that I actually bought both books:
Now onto the book review.

Jern's January 2020 Book Club Review

What is the book about?
The book is based on the life of Chip Gaines and how he's used his failures and past experiences to help his present and future endeavors. He also uses those experiences to try and motivate the reader into being their best self.

Favorite quote(s)?
"You were uniquely created for a purpose. I have no clue what that purpose is for you specifically, but I am perfectly confident that you do, in fact, have one. And you would be wise to stop being your own biggest obstacle. Your purpose is just like mine. It's big, and it's important, and there's no one else anywhere on the planet who can fulfill it." (Ch. 1, pg. 6)
"Perhaps you can't quit your day job, and I understand that.
But never, ever quit your day dream." (Ch. 12, pg. 128)
"If there's something stirring in you now, and you know what it is, do that. There's no need to overthink it. A mistake here and there isn't going to kill you, so don't waste time worrying about it. It's infinitely better to fail with courage than to sit idle with fear, because only one of these gives you the slightest chance to live abundantly. And if you fail, then the worst-case scenario is that you'll learn something from it. You're for sure not going to learn jack squat from sitting still and playing it safe.
There's actual, real work to do, and now's the time to do it. Not one of us is getting any younger, and waiting for your 'perfect moment' or for the 'most convenient time' could very well turn into a missed opportunity." (Ch. 16, pgs. 167-168)

Would you recommend this book?
Yes, I would recommend this book, mainly to people who are fans of the show Fixer Upper since it's about Chip.

Anything else you'd like to share?
*Spoiler Alert*
I never knew that Chip tried to learn Spanish. I wonder if he would have become fluent in Spanish if only he didn't had to go back home to settle his "companies" finances.

by Charles M. Sheldon

¿Sobre que se trata el libro?
Este libro se trata de varias historias en que se aplica la pregunta: "¿Que haría Jesús en mi lugar?".

¿Cita(s) Favorita(s)?
"Me parece que hay muchos y graves problemas en el mundo que no existirían si la gente que canta tales himnos saliera y viviera lo que dicen. Creo que no comprendo, pero, ¿que haría Jesús? ¿Es eso lo que significaba seguir sus pasos?" (pg. 10)

¿Recomendarías este libro?
Si recomendaría este libro, especialmente a Cristianos porque necesitamos aplicar la pregunta, "¿que haría Jesus?" hacia nuestras vidas.

¿Algo más que quisieras compartir?
Batalle un poco en leerlo en español así que estoy ansiosa por leerlo ahora en ingles y compararlos.

I enjoyed reading these books and I hope you liked reading them as well. Look forward to February's picks and don't forget to join my book club.

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